The Smoothie Diet


The Smoothie Diet Review: Can It Really Help You Lose Weight?

Smoothies are often made of whole fruits and vegetables, and proteins powders and nonfat dairy can be added to make these shakes healthy and delicious. Smoothies are quite popular for wellness and weight loss, provide a large range of health benefits and provide wellness changes that impact both the body and mind. The Smoothie Diet is one of the most well-known diets, consisting of healthy smoothies for weight loss. But does it truly help people lose weight? Is it a fad diet, or is the science behind it good enough to make this diet work? We’re here to look at how the Smoothie Diet works, how it claims to help people lose weight, the ingredients behind it, and truly see if the Smoothie Diet is worth the money.


What is The Smoothie Diet?

According to the official website, The Smoothie Diet is a 21-day weight loss program that works as a meal replacement. These smoothies for weight loss are designed by Drew Sgoutas, a health coach and founder of the Smoothie Diet introduces smoothies as an effective weight-loss tool. The program claims to be an all-natural diet plan that includes leafy greens and fruits and contains recipes that help ensure your weight loss goals. By having only whole fruits and vegetables, these smoothies contain all the necessary nutrients for weight loss.

Drew Sgoutas, CHC, AADP, is a certified nutritionist and health coach that helps people who struggle with poor diets and weight gain. According to Sgoutas, the 21-day program is a diet program that works to reduce caloric intake, fat consumption, and sugar intake through the use of slimming fast shakes. The smoothie diet program contains weight loss shakes that can help replace solid meals and ultimately become part of your daily diet.

The 21-day program is an ebook that acts as a guide towards incorporating shakes to lose weight and help people see their goals achieved. The guide itself is divided into multiple sections and states that within the first three weeks of using this guide and its recipes, you can see the results.

What’s Inside the Smoothie Diet eBook Guide?

The guide is divided into multiple sections, containing topics that direct users towards understanding how the smoothie diet works, the nutritional information its recipes contain, and how to plan and organise meals each day for a better daily diet. These sections include:

  • Health Improvement Guide: Overall, the main component of the ebook contains a short guide on healthy eating, how to burn fat, and how to eat healthy meals alongside the smoothie diet for a more effective weight loss plan.
  • Shopping Lists: The program also provides an effective shopping list containing all the ingredients and equipment you would need to have a successful diet.
  • Daily Journals: Within this plan, a daily journal is provided to offer those on this plan the ability to keep track of their diet day by day.
  • Workout Program: Diet and exercise go interchangeable, and the Smoothie Diet also provides an exercise regimen to make the diet more successful.
  • 21-Day Schedule: Throughout the 21 days, users can keep track of the smoothies they consume and other factors by following its schedule step by step.
  • Weight Loss Shake Recipes: A collection of weight loss smoothies is given to those who purchase this plan.
  • Preparation Guide: The preparation guide helps users make the best smoothies for weight loss with various tips and tricks.
  • Detox Cleanse Plan: Before beginning the plan, users are also provided with a detox guide to help cleanse their system before starting the smoothie diet.
  • Gluten and Diabetes-Friendly Options: The Smoothie Diet also provides options for kids, diabetics, and those with gluten sensitivities the opportunity to take part in this diet.

The Smoothie Diet is reported to contain ingredients that include fibre, minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats that are required from a healthy diet. The Smoothie Diet begins with a three-day detox, and users are able to restore and re-balance their diets by cleansing their bodies from unhealthy, processed foods. The detox portion of the plan relies on consuming smoothies for three days and then shifting the numbers from three to one a day overtime. This diet can be continued beyond 21 days, and this diet is reported to work for both the short-term and long-term. The Smoothie Diet also includes flex days for spacing out smoothies throughout each week, and it’s reported to gradually reduce cravings over time.

The Benefits of The Smoothie Diet

Within the collection of recipes provided by the Smoothie Diet, all the recipes are designed by its founder and are formulated to keep nutritional needs in mind. Mainly consisting of fruits and vegetables, the ingredients provided by this plan are all backed by nutritional studies and have numerous benefits, including:

Weight Loss

Because these smoothies contain large amounts of leafy greens and whole fruits, it helps promote the feeling of satiety from its fibre content. Studies looking into fibre intake and body weight have found that an increase in fibre content, depending on the caloric intake and macronutrients present, can promote weight loss and create a positive change in diet perceptions for those on a calorie-restricted diet. Due to fibre’s ability to increase satiety, the baseline weight of those obese and overweight can be reduced over time.

Increased Energy

The Smoothie Diet also contains a high amount of nutrients that promote energy, including vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, and vitamin C. Studies looking into the effects of these vitamins have found that these nutrients have a vital role in the metabolic pathways that improve cellular function. This improved cellular function can lead to more calories burned and can help improve the body’s ability to process nutrients into energy instead of fat.

Better Gut Health

The addition of fibre from the various fruits and vegetables also helps assist with the gut microbiota, providing a well-functioning digestive tract in the process. Through the introduction of more fibre, this dietary fibre can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and weight regulation through the conversion of short-chain fatty acids. The diet also contains a significant portion of polyphenols and antioxidants that can further improve our body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Immune System Function

Because of the body’s ability to absorb nutrients more efficiently, smoothies with high amounts of vitamins and minerals can also help support the immune system, specifically with vitamin C. Vitamin C is considered an essential micronutrient for people because of its ability to protect against oxidative stress throughout the cells and act as a barrier against pathogens. Through the addition of high amounts of vitamin C, the Smoothie Diet reportedly helps boost the immune system.

Bone Strength

Vitamin K1 and calcium are also nutrients found in the many leafy green ingredients provided by the Smoothie Diet. Studies looking into the effects of K1, for instance, found that the levels of vitamin K1 throughout the system can determine the risk for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and can contribute to a higher bone density when used therapeutically. The nervous system, muscles, and cells also use calcium to increase bone density and improve bone strength.

Reduced Blood Cholesterol

An often unrecognised component of the many fruits and vegetables we eat includes bile acid sequestrants, which work as a regulator in the metabolism. These compounds induce nutrient absorption and, through this process, also help balance out cholesterol levels throughout the bloodstream. By binding its molecules to the intestines, it creates a state of homeostasis that reduces lipoprotein cholesterol levels and glucose levels.

Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases

Through the addition of multiple nutrients and minerals, the Smoothie Diet can help reduce the risk of chronic disease. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of numerous antioxidants, which help reduce the number of free radicals exposed to the body when the body attempts to convert food into energy. It’s through phytonutrients that these benefits are believed to help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Mental Health Wellness

Lastly, the added nutrients that contribute towards weight loss can also contribute towards better mental health. Studies looking into the connection between mental health and diet often found that unhealthy dietary patterns contribute to poorer mental health in children and adolescents, increasing the risk of depressive disorders and anxiety disorders. Ultimately, the Smoothie Diet attempts to help people create more positive, healthy changes by encouraging healthy eating through weight loss shakes.

The Risks of The Smoothie Diet

All dietary plans require some caution, as it’s important to follow the diet’s serving recommendations to prevent potential risks. It is also essential to speak with your primary care doctor to learn more about the potential side effects according to your medical history and medications. The Smoothie Diet can present risks to some people due to certain variables within its recipes, the possibility for overconsumption, and other factors related to the diet’s structure. Some of these risks include:

Higher Blood Sugar Levels

For those with diabetes, the various fruits provided in these smoothies for weight loss can contain excessive amounts of sugar, which can contribute to diabetic complications, such as hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. In studies looking into the issue, researchers found that the consumption of green leafy vegetables and fruit can decrease the risk of hyperglycemia. Still, fruit juices with extensive amounts of sugar can present hazards to women with diabetes. However, the diet plan also provides recipes to follow for those sensitive to glucose to help avoid those issues.

Vitamin K Sensitivity

The leafy greens provided through the diet can also contain heavy amounts of vitamin K. While vitamin K does provide support for bone density, it can also reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulant drugs. Because of this, it can increase the risk of bleeding and present hazards to pregnant women. Those taking blood thinners would need to speak to their doctor before going on this diet.

Nutritional Deficiencies

While the diet contains a variety of nutrients that promote overall good health, it also contains a lack of other essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. The Smoothie Diet can cause issues with energy levels during the first few weeks of being on a diet and can result in the risk of losing muscle mass.

Weight Gain

Most of all, due to the nature of the diet, it can be easy to overindulge and lose track of their portions. These smoothies, despite their benefits, often contain an excessive amount of calories that can be easy to indulge in, causing weight gain. Weight gain can not only be caused by indulgence, but also the different variety of fruits as part of the recipes, which all contain their own benefits and disadvantages when it comes to weight management.

Does The Smoothie Diet Work For Weight Loss?

The Smoothie Diet is founded on the concept that fruits and vegetables are a key source of fibre and other various nutrients, offering more fullness and energy to provide innate support for weight loss. This shake diet is based on the recommendation of at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, hence why the program argues that it’s been successful in helping hundreds of people lose weight through smoothies low calorie. Every part of this diet plan is intended to be based on scientific information, and that through moderation and planning, people can effectively shed pounds with healthy smoothies for weight loss.

Before taking part in any diet, it’s essential that you speak with your general practitioner about your weight gain. It’s essential to talk with your doctor, especially if you suffer from a chronic health condition such as diabetes that can affect your health. By speaking with your doctor, you can find solutions that work with your lifestyle and goals, including being referred to a nutritionist or dietitian for help with weight loss. If you believe that the Smoothie Diet may be able to help you lose weight, then the best resource to learn about this diet is through their official website. Click on the button below to be taken through to the official website for The Smoothie Diet.

Take Me To The Smoothie Diet Official Website

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